Introduction to Models


In ML, models are mainly used for supervised learning, the aim is

  • Predict a response \(y\): regression if numerical, classification if categorical.

  • From features \(x=\{x_1, \ldots, x_p\}\): available at the moment of prediction,

  • With the best possible quality: built from the data in an optimal way.

The \(n\) observed features and responses are denoted \[(y_1, x_1), \ldots, (y_n, x_n).\]


In ML, a model consists mainly of three elements:

  • A prediction formula, taking the features \(x\), returning a prediction \(\hat{y} = f(x)\) for \(y\),

  • A loss function \({\cal L}(y,\hat{y})\) measuring how "wrong" a prediction \(\hat{y}\) is for \(y\).

  • An algorithm which can optimize the prediction formula \(f\) using the observed data.

The prediction formula

The prediction formula is a mathematical formula (sometimes a more complex algorithm) using parameters1 \(\theta\), combining them with the feature \(x\), returning a prediction \[f(x;\theta).\] Thus, \(\theta\) must be chosen carefully to obtain good predictions of \(y\).

The loss function

The loss function indicates how wrong is a prediction \(\hat{y}\) of the corresponding \(y\).
A classical example for regression is the square of the error: \[{\cal L}(y,\hat{y}) = (y-\hat{y})^2.\] The larger \({\cal L}(y,\hat{y})\), the further \(\hat{y}\) is from \(y\).

The optimal parameters

Good parameters \(\theta\) must have a low loss. We want \({\cal L}(y,f(x;\theta))\) to be small for all \((y,x)\). To achieve an overall quality on the whole available data base, we want \(\theta\) achieving a small \[\bar{{\cal L}}(\theta) = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n {\cal L}\{y_i, f(x_i;\theta)\}.\] Example: with the square of the error, this is \[\bar{{\cal L}}(\theta) = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n \{y_i- f(x_i;\theta)\}^2.\]

The optimization algorithm

Finding the optimal \(\hat{\theta}\) is done by applying an algorithm, i.e., a procedure that finds \[\hat{\theta} = \arg\min_{\theta} \bar{{\cal L}}(\theta).\] The algorithm is often a sequential procedure. It builds a sequence \(\theta_1, \theta_2, \theta_3, \ldots\) such that \[\bar{{\cal L}}(\theta_1) > \bar{{\cal L}}(\theta_2) > \bar{{\cal L}}(\theta_3) > \ldots\] Ultimately, this should reach the minimum possible \(\bar{{\cal L}}(\theta)\).

Mathematical considerations

  • More flexible model \(f\) provides better opportunity to minimize \(\bar{{\cal L}}\). Often, this is associated with the size of \(\theta\) (number of parameters).

  • The algorithm may not reach the global minimum of \(\bar{{\cal L}}\). Most algorithms cannot guaranty such results except under theoretical assumptions.

  • A probabilistic interpretation: the optimal \(\theta\) is obtained by minimizing the expected loss on the population of \((Y,X)\) \[E\left[{\cal L}\{Y, f(X;\theta)\}\right].\] The data base is used to estimate it with an empirical mean \[\hat{E}\left[{\cal L}\{Y, f(X;\theta)\}\right] = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n {\cal L}\{y_i, f(x_i;\theta)\}.\] This estimate is minimized in turn to find an estimate of the optimal \(\theta\).


  1. Also called weights, especially for Neural Networks.↩︎