<- read.csv(here::here("labs/data/real_estate_data.csv"))
## adapt the path to the data
# if you encountered any error with the encoding of the data (`Error in gregexpr...`), just re-run the code again
%>% ggplot(aes(x=Month, y=Price, fill=as.factor(Year))) +
real_estate_data geom_boxplot()+ facet_wrap(~as.factor(Year))
Models: Linear and logistic regressions
Linear regression: real estate application
The dataset we’ll be using for the first part of the exercise is real estate transaction prices in Taiwan, which can be accessed from this link this link. This dataset was modified for this exercise. The modified file real_estate_data.csv
is in the exercise folder under /data/
The aim is to predict the house prices from available features: No, Month, Year, TransDate, HouseAge, Dist, NumStores, Lat, Long, Price. No is the transaction number and will not be used.
First, an EDA of the data is needed. After exploring the structure, the Price is shown with the year and month.
The results show how important it is to make an EDA! It appears that the data does not contain transactions for all the months of 2012 and 2013, but just some months by the end of 2012 and the first half of 2013. This shows that it is pointless to use month and year here. This is why we prefer TransDate, a value indicating the transaction time on a linear scale (e.g., 2013.250 is March 2013).
Now we focus on the link between Price and the other features.
real_estate_data select(Price, HouseAge, Dist, Lat, Long, TransDate) %>%
No clear link appears. The linear regression will help to discover if a combination of the features can predict the price.
First, we split the data into training/test set (75/25).
<- sample(x=c(1,2), size=nrow(real_estate_data), replace=TRUE, prob=c(0.75,0.25)) # 1==training set, 2==test set
index <- real_estate_data[index==1,]
dat_tr_restate <- real_estate_data[index==2,] dat_te_restate
Then, we fit the linear regression to the training set.
<- lm(Price~TransDate+
mod_lm +
Long, summary(mod_lm)
# In R, we load the conda environment as usual
::use_condaenv("MLBA", required = TRUE)
reticulategc(full = TRUE)
In python, we then use the statsmodels
library to fit a linear regression model to the training data and perform feature elimination. We use the .fit()
method to fit the model with the formula for the variable names. Note that python’s summary()
function is unique to the statsmodels
libraries and produces similar information to its R counterpart.
import os
os.environ["MKL_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
import mkl
# set the number of threads. Here we set it to 1 to avoid parallelization when rendering quarto, but you can set it to higher values.
1) mkl.set_num_threads(
# Import necessary library
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
# Fit a linear regression model to the training data & print the summary
= smf.ols(formula='Price ~ TransDate + HouseAge + Dist + NumStores + Lat + Long', data=r.dat_tr_restate).fit()
mod_lm_py print(mod_lm_py.summary())
It’s not a suprise that the results are same as the ones obtained in R.
Variable selection & interpretation
The stepwise variable selection can be performed using the function step. By default, it is a backward selection; see ?step
for details (parameter direction is backward when scope is empty).
step(mod_lm) # see the result
<- step(mod_lm) # store the final model into mod_lm_sel
mod_lm_sel summary(mod_lm_sel)
As python does not have an exact equivalent of stats::step()
function, which performs both forward and backward selection based on AIC, we have to implement it manually. We start with the full model and iteratively remove the feature with the highest p-value and add the feature with the lowest AIC until we can no longer improve the AIC. The final model is stored in mod_lm_sel
. For an extensive explanation of what this while loop is doing and how the backward+forward is computed, check the code below:
Explaining feature elimination in python (while loop)
We start by setting mod_lm_sel_py
to the full model mod_lm_py
. Then, we enter a while loop that continues until we break out of it. In each iteration of the loop, we store the current model in prev_model for later comparison. We start by dropping the feature with the highest p-value from the current model using idxmax()
, which returns the label of the maximum value in the pvalues attribute of the mod_lm_sel_py
object. We exclude the intercept term from the list of labels by specifying labels=['Intercept']
. We then create a new model using smf.ols()
with the feature removed and fit it to the training data using fit()
. We store this new model in mod_lm_sel_py
Next, we check whether the AIC of the new model is larger than the previous model’s. If it is, we break out of the while loop and use the previous model (prev_model) as the final model. If not, we continue to the next step of the loop. Here, we look for the feature with the lowest AIC among the remaining features using idxmin()
on the pvalues attribute, again excluding the intercept term. We create a new model by adding this feature to the current model using smf.ols()
, fit it to the training data using fit()
, and store it in mod_lm_sel_new
We then check whether the AIC of the new model is larger than that of the current model. If it is, we break out of the while loop and use the current model (mod_lm_sel_py
) as the final model. If not, we update mod_lm_sel_py
with the new model and continue to the next iteration of the loop. This way, we iteratively remove the feature with the highest p-value and add the feature with the lowest AIC until we can no longer improve the AIC. The final model is stored in mod_lm_sel_py
import statsmodels.api as sm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# perform both forward and backward selection using AIC
= mod_lm_py
while True:
= mod_lm_sel_py
prev_model # drop the feature with the highest p-value
= mod_lm_sel_py.pvalues.drop(labels=['Intercept']).idxmax()
feature_to_drop = smf.ols(formula='Price ~ TransDate + HouseAge + Dist + NumStores + Lat + Long - ' + feature_to_drop, data=r.dat_tr_restate).fit()
mod_lm_sel_py # check if AIC has increased, if yes, break the loop and use the previous model
if mod_lm_sel_py.aic > prev_model.aic:
= prev_model
mod_lm_sel_py break
# add the feature with the lowest AIC
= mod_lm_sel_py.pvalues.drop(labels=['Intercept']).idxmin()
feature_to_add = smf.ols(formula='Price ~ TransDate + HouseAge + Dist + NumStores + Lat + Long + ' + feature_to_add, data=r.dat_tr_restate).fit()
mod_lm_sel_py_new # check if AIC has increased, if yes, break the loop and use the previous model
if mod_lm_sel_py_new.aic > mod_lm_sel_py.aic:
= mod_lm_sel_py_new
After identifying the most important features, you can fit a new model using only those features and evaluate its performance using the test set.
The final model does not contain Long. In terms of interpretations, for example:
- The price increased on average by 3.7 per year (TransDate)
- It diminishes in average by (-2)2.4 per year (HouseAge)
- etc.
We now predict the prices in the test set. We can make a scatter plot of the predictions versus the observed prices to inspect that. We already know by looking at the \(R^2\) in the summary that the prediction quality is not good.
<- predict(mod_lm_sel, newdata=dat_te_restate)
mod_lm_pred plot(dat_te_restate$Price ~ mod_lm_pred, xlab="Prediction", ylab="Observed prices")
abline(0,1) # line showing the obs -- pred agreement
= mod_lm_sel_py.predict(r.dat_te_restate)
mod_lm_sel_pred = plt.subplots()
fig, ax =mod_lm_sel_pred, y=r.dat_te_restate['Price'])
ax.set_xlabel('Observed prices')
ax.set_ylabel(="--", c=".3")
ax.plot(ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim(), ls plt.show()
It appears that the lowest and the highest prices are underestimated. At the center (around 30), the prices are slightly overestimated.
As an exercise, write down the prediction equation of the selected model. Use this equation to explain how instances 1 and 2 (test set) are predicted and calculate the predictions manually. Verify your results using the predict function from the previous R code.
c(1,2)] mod_lm_pred[
\[ y = -0.000133 + 3.66\times TransDate -0.243\times HouseAge \\-0.00464\times Dist + 1.027\times NumStores + 237.8\times Lat \]
Logistic regression: visit data
To illustrate a logistic regression, we use the data set DocVis extracted (modified for the exercise) the library AER. The data set reports a 1977–1978 Australian Health Survey. The aim is to predict the outcome visits, a binary variable indicating if the individual had at least one visit to a doctor in the past two weeks, using all the other features. To learn more about these features, look at the data described below.
Data Description
The predictors are as followed:
- gender: M/F
- age: Age in years divided by 100.
- income: Annual income in tens of thousands of dollars.
- illness: Number of illnesses in past 2 weeks.
- reduced: Number of days of reduced activity in past 2 weeks due to illness or injury.
- health: General health questionnaire score using Goldberg’s method.
- private: Factor. Does the individual have private health insurance?
- freepoor: Factor. Does the individual have free government health insurance due to low income?
- freerepat: Factor. Does the individual have free government health insurance due to old age, disability or veteran status?
- nchronic: Factor. Is there a chronic condition not limiting activity?
- lchronic: Factor. Is there a chronic condition limiting activity?
We can now load the dataset.
<- read.csv(here::here("labs/data/DocVis.csv")) ## found in the same data folder DocVis
To facilitate the use of logistic regression in R, it is strongly recommended to have a 0/1 outcome rather than a categorical one. This makes much easier the recognition of the positive label (the “1”) and the negative one (the “0”). Since we want to predict visits, we transform it accordingly.
$visits <- ifelse(DocVis$visits=="Yes",1,0) DocVis
We can split our data and fit the logistic regression. The function for this is glm. This function encompasses a larger class of models (namely, the generalized linear models) which includes the logistic regression, accessible with family=“binomial”.
<- sample(x=c(1,2), size=nrow(DocVis), replace=TRUE, prob=c(0.75,0.25)) # 1==training set, 2==test set
index <- DocVis[index==1,]
dat_tr_visit <- DocVis[index==2,] dat_te_visit
<- glm(visits~., data=dat_tr_visit, family="binomial")
vis_logr summary(vis_logr)
# a hack around this technique to not type all the variable names
= 'visits ~ ' + ' + '.join(r.dat_tr_visit.columns.difference(['visits']))
# create a logistic regression model
= sm.formula.logit(formula= vis_formula, data=r.dat_tr_visit).fit() vis_logr_py
for formulas in R vs Python
In R, the dot .
is used as shorthand to indicate that we want to include all other variables in the formula as predictors except for the outcome variable. So, if our outcome variable is y and we want to include all other variables in our data frame as predictors, we can write y ~ .
in the formula.
In Python, however, the dot .
is not used in the same way in formulas. Instead, to include all other variables as predictors except for y
, we would write y ~ x1 + x2 + ...
where x1, x2
, etc. represent the names of the predictor variables. Also, statsmodels
has a similar syntax to R base regressions. In most other typical ML libraries in Python, you must provide the column values instead of using the column names.
Note that the family="binomial"
argument in R is not needed in Python since sm.formula.logit()
assumes the logistic regression model is fitted using a binomial distribution by default.
Variable selection & interpretation
Now, we can apply the variable selection:
<- step(vis_logr)
vis_logr_sel summary(vis_logr_sel)
As already seen in the linear regression part, in python, we don’t have the same implementation of the step function, hence why we designed the while loop earlier. It is good practice to create a single function with this step while loop to handle all cases (linear, logistic etc); however, we only implement it here for logistic regression. Therefore, to tackle this, we will create a function that does step-wise elimination for us. We define a function called forward_selected
that performs forward selection on a given dataset to select the best predictors for a response variable based on AIC. The function takes two arguments: data
, a pandas DataFrame containing the predictors and response
variable, and response, a string specifying the name of the response variable.
For more explanation of the code, click on me
The function first initializes two sets: remaining
and selected
. remaining
contains the names of all columns in the data
DataFrame except for the response
variable, while selected
is initially empty. The function then initializes current_aic
and best_new_aic
to infinity. The main loop of the function continues as long as remaining
is not empty and current_aic
is equal to best_new_aic
. At each iteration, the function iterates over all columns in remaining
and computes the AIC for a logistic regression model that includes the response
variable and the currently selected predictors, as well as the current candidate predictor. The function then adds the candidate predictor and its AIC to a list of (aic, candidate)
tuples, and sorts the list by increasing AIC. The function then selects the candidate with the lowest AIC and adds it to the selected
set, removes it from the remaining
set, and updates current_aic
to the new lowest AIC. The function continues this process until no candidate can improve the AIC. Finally, the function fits a logistic regression model using the selected predictors and returns the resulting model.
# code taken from the link below and adjusted for logistic regression with AIC criteria
# https://planspace.org/20150423-forward_selection_with_statsmodels/
def forward_selected(data, response):
"""Linear model designed by forward selection.
data : pandas DataFrame with all possible predictors and response
response: string, name of response column in data
model: an "optimal" fitted statsmodels linear model
with an intercept
selected by forward selection
evaluated by AIC
= set(data.columns)
remaining.remove(response)= []
selected = float("inf"), float("inf")
current_aic, best_new_aic while remaining and current_aic == best_new_aic:
= []
aics_with_candidates for candidate in remaining:
= "{} ~ {} + 1".format(response,
formula ' + '.join(selected + [candidate]))
= smf.logit(formula, data).fit(disp=0)
model = model.aic
aics_with_candidates.append((aic, candidate))
aics_with_candidates.sort()= aics_with_candidates.pop(0)
best_new_aic, best_candidate if current_aic > best_new_aic:
selected.append(best_candidate)= best_new_aic
current_aic = "{} ~ {} + 1".format(response,
formula ' + '.join(selected))
= smf.logit(formula, data).fit(disp=0)
model return model
= forward_selected(r.dat_tr_visit, 'visits')
We can see that the results of mod_logit_sel_py
model are slightly different from the R version, but nevertheless, we have reduced the features and the interpretations (see below) with both R and python versions remain the same.
We can see that the probability of a visit is
- smaller for males
- increasing with age
- larger with illness
- etc.
The predict function with type=“response” will predict the probability of the positive class (“1”). If it is set to “link” it produces the linear predictor (i.e., the \(z\)). To make the prediction, we thus have to identify if the predicted probability is larger or lower than 0.5.
<- predict(vis_logr_sel, newdata = dat_te_visit, type="response")
prob_te_visit <- ifelse(prob_te_visit >= 0.5, 1, 0)
pred_te_visit table(Pred=pred_te_visit, Obs=dat_te_visit$visits)
The explanation is similar to that of R, with a slight different that here we use pandas.crosstab
to make our confusion matrix.
import pandas as pd
= mod_logit_sel_py.predict(r.dat_te_visit)
prob_te_visit = [1 if p >= 0.5 else 0 for p in prob_te_visit]
pred_te_visit = pd.crosstab(pred_te_visit, r.dat_te_visit['visits'], rownames=['Pred'], colnames=['Obs'])
conf_mat print(conf_mat)
The results are extremely close to the R version.
The predictions are not really good. It is in fact a difficult data set. Indeed, the number of 0 is so large compare to the 1, that predicting a 0 always provides a good model overall. That issue will be addressed further later on in the course.
For now, this can be further inspected by looking at the predicted probabilities per observed label.
= plt.subplots()
fig, ax 'visits']==0], prob_te_visit[r.dat_te_visit['visits']==1]])
ax.boxplot([prob_te_visit[r.dat_te_visit['No Visit', 'Visit'])
ax.set_xticklabels(['Predicted Probability')
ax.set_ylabel('Predicted Probabilities by Visit Status')
ax.set_title( plt.show()
We see that if the lowest predicted probabilities are usually assigned to 0-observations, most of the probabilities remain below 0.5 (even for the 1-observations). A good model would have two well separated boxplots, well away from 0.5.
Now, as an exercise, write down the prediction equation of the selected model, like you did for linear regression. Use this equation to explain how instance 1 and 2 (test set) are predicted, and calculate the predictions manually. Verify your results using the function predict used before.
c(1,2)] prob_te_visit[
\[ z(x) = -2.31795-0.31838\times gender\_male+0.39762\times age+\\0.28431\times illness+0.16340\times reduced+0.05589\times health+\\0.27249\times private\_eyes -0.65344\times freepoor\_yes+\\0.38038\times freerepat\_yes \] Then \[ P(Y=1 | X=x) = \frac{e^{z(x)}}{1+e^{z(x)}} \]
LASSO & Ridge regressions
You have been introduced to lasso and ridge regression during the Variable selection with penalization part of the lecture.
Lasso and Ridge Regression are two regularization techniques used in regression models to prevent overfitting by adding a penalty term to the loss function. Lasso regression (aka \(L_1\)) adds a penalty term equal to the absolute value of the coefficients. In contrast, Ridge regression (aka \(L_2\)) adds a penalty term equal to the squared value of the coefficients. The effect of the penalty term is to shrink the coefficients towards zero, which can help reduce model complexity and improve generalization performance. In this case, we apply lasso and ridge to the real estate data and do not cover logistic regression (example already seen during the class).
First, we need to turn our predictors into matrices, as this is required by the glmnet
package in R and works with the python implementation.
# glmnet can only work with matrix objects, columns 2-7 correspond to the same ones used by `lm`
<- select(dat_tr_restate, c(2:7)) %>% as.matrix()
dat_tr_re_mat_x <- pull(dat_tr_restate,'Price')
dat_tr_re_mat_y <- select(dat_te_restate, c(2:7)) %>% as.matrix()
dat_te_re_mat_x <- pull(dat_te_restate,'Price') dat_te_re_mat_y
On the newly created matrices, we run cross-validated lasso and ridge with the cv.glmnet()
, function where setting the alpha
(penalty) parameter as 1 produces lasso regression and 0 produces ridge regression. The default value of alpha is 1, which corresponds to lasso regression. For 0<alpha<1, it performs Elastic Net regression (a combination of \(L_1\) and \(L_2\) regularization).
# Load appropriate library and set a seed
# Fit Ridge regression model
<- cv.glmnet(x = dat_tr_re_mat_x, y = dat_tr_re_mat_y, alpha = 0)
# Fit Lasso regression model
<- cv.glmnet(x = dat_tr_re_mat_x, y = dat_tr_re_mat_y, alpha = 1) #if you change the `family` argument to `bionomial`, you can get also logistic regression lasso_fit
We can then fit the final models with the best parameters:
<- glmnet(x=dat_tr_re_mat_x, y = dat_tr_re_mat_y,
ridge_fit_best lambda = ridge_fit$lambda.min)
<- glmnet(x=dat_tr_re_mat_x, y=dat_tr_re_mat_y,
lasso_fit_best lambda = lasso_fit$lambda.min) #can also use lasso_fit$lambda.1se
We can compare different performances for this task using caret::postResample()
. We will learn more this function and it’s metrics the upcoming courses & lab sessions.
# lasso & ridge performance on the training set
::postResample(predict(ridge_fit_best, newx = dat_tr_re_mat_x), dat_tr_re_mat_y)
caret::postResample(predict(lasso_fit_best, newx = dat_tr_re_mat_x), dat_tr_re_mat_y)
# lasso & ridge performance on the test set
::postResample(predict(ridge_fit_best, newx = dat_te_re_mat_x), dat_te_re_mat_y)
caret::postResample(predict(lasso_fit_best, newx = dat_te_re_mat_x), dat_te_re_mat_y)
# Step-wise lm performance on training and test sets
::postResample(predict(mod_lm_sel,dat_tr_restate), dat_tr_re_mat_y)
caret::postResample(predict(mod_lm_sel,dat_te_restate), dat_te_re_mat_y) caret
In this case, the lasso is better than the ridge on the test set, and if you have many features, this could be a useful technique. However, they are both outperformed by step-wise linear regression. Lasso and ridge are more useful when you have many more variables. You can try this already by taking more variables for your dat_tr_re_mat_x
and dat_te_re_mat_x
such select(dat_te_restate,-c('Price', 'Month'))
to see how (for better or worse) the performance changes. If you want more explanation on why linear model outperformed lasso and ridge, check out (click on) the further explanation below.
Why lm (or step lm) outperformed lasso & ridge
In some situations, it is normal to observe that a linear model may perform better than a regularized model, such as a ridge or lasso. This can occur when the number of predictors in the model is small relative to the sample size or when the predictors are highly correlated.
Linear regression assumes that the relationship between the response variable and the predictors is linear and additive. When this assumption holds, a linear model can be a good choice. In contrast, regularized regression methods such as ridge and lasso add a penalty term to the regression objective function to shrink the estimated coefficients towards zero, which can help to avoid overfitting when the number of predictors is large relative to the sample size or when the predictors are highly correlated.
However, when the number of predictors is small relative to the sample size or when the predictors are highly correlated, the additional regularization provided by ridge or lasso may not be necessary, and a simple linear model may perform better.
It is always a good practice to compare the performance of different models using appropriate evaluation metrics and techniques such as cross-validation. The choice of the best model will depend on the specific problem and the goals of the analysis.
from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge, Lasso, RidgeCV, LassoCV
import numpy as np
# Set a seed for reproducibility
# Fit Lasso regression model
= LassoCV(cv=10)
lasso_cv lasso_cv.fit(r.dat_tr_re_mat_x, r.dat_tr_re_mat_y)
LassoCV(cv=10)In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook.
On GitHub, the HTML representation is unable to render, please try loading this page with nbviewer.org.
# Get the optimal regularization parameter
= lasso_cv.alpha_
# Fit the Lasso model with the optimal alpha
= Lasso(alpha=lasso_optimal_alpha)
lasso_best_py lasso_best_py.fit(r.dat_tr_re_mat_x, r.dat_tr_re_mat_y)
Lasso(alpha=11.299706023700177)In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook.
On GitHub, the HTML representation is unable to render, please try loading this page with nbviewer.org.
# Fit Ridge regression model with cross-validation
= RidgeCV(cv=10)
ridge_cv ridge_cv.fit(r.dat_tr_re_mat_x, r.dat_tr_re_mat_y)
RidgeCV(cv=10)In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook.
On GitHub, the HTML representation is unable to render, please try loading this page with nbviewer.org.
# Get the optimal regularization parameter
= ridge_cv.alpha_
# Fit the Ridge model with the optimal alpha
= Ridge(alpha=ridge_optimal_alpha)
ridge_best_py ridge_best_py.fit(r.dat_tr_re_mat_x, r.dat_tr_re_mat_y)
Ridge(alpha=0.1)In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook.
On GitHub, the HTML representation is unable to render, please try loading this page with nbviewer.org.
The lambda
argument in cv.glmnet()
from R corresponds to the alpha
argument in RidgeCV()
in python. In cv.glmnet()
, the lambda argument specifies the range of regularization parameters to be tested in the model selection process. By default, lambda is set to NULL, which means that glmnet()
will automatically choose a sequence of lambda values to search over. Note that in glmnet()
, lambda values are used for both \(L_1\) (lasso) and \(L_2\) (ridge) regularization, whereas in RidgeCV()
, alpha values are used to control the mix of L1 and L2 regularization, with alpha = 0 corresponding to pure L2 regularization (i.e., ridge regression).
On the contrary (and to avoid confusion), the alpha
argument in cv.glmnet()
corresponds to the fit_intercept
argument in RidgeCV()
. In cv.glmnet()
, the alpha argument specifies the mixing parameter between L1 and L2 regularization.
# python lasso & ridge performance on the training set
::postResample(py$ridge_best_py$predict(dat_tr_re_mat_x), dat_tr_re_mat_y)
caret::postResample(py$lasso_best_py$predict(dat_tr_re_mat_x), dat_tr_re_mat_y)
# python lasso & ridge performance on the test set
::postResample(py$ridge_best_py$predict( dat_te_re_mat_x), dat_te_re_mat_y)
caret::postResample(py$lasso_best_py$predict(dat_te_re_mat_x), dat_te_re_mat_y) caret
The performance is different in python simply because of different default settings for the python vs R implementations.
To understand the decision making of lasso, we can check the beta’s in a similar fashion to a regression (only shown for the R models).
# running the following can tell you a bit about the impact of different variables
<- which(lasso_fit$lambda == lasso_fit$lambda.min)
small.lambda.index $glmnet.fit$beta[, small.lambda.index]
# or on the final model
coef(lasso_fit , s= 'lambda.min')
plot(lasso_fit, xvar = "lambda", label = TRUE)
We can see that from the first output Long
value has almost a beta of 0. In the second output, it is confirmed that the coefficient of this variable is indeed 0. This could explain why mod_lm_sel
also dropped this variable. The rest of the coefficient are similar to summary(mod_lm_sel)
. as ridge or lasso in some situations. This can occur when the number of predictors in the model is small relative to the sample size, or when the predictors are highly correlated.
Your turn to practice
Linear regression: nursing home data
Now it is your turn. Make an linear regression (also feel free to try lasso and ridge regressions) on the nursing data described below (found also in /data/nursing_data.csv
). Afterwards, use linear regression to build a predictor of the cost using the other features. Replicate the analysis. Split the data, build a model, make the variable selection, make the predictions and analyze the results. Make also an analysis of the coefficients in terms of the associations between the costs and the features.
Data Description
The data set is about patients in a nursing home, where elderly people are helped with daily living needs, also known as Activities of Daily Living (ADL, i.e. communication, eating, walking, showering, going to a toilet, etc.).
Since the stay in such facilities is very expensive, it is important to classify the new-coming patient, and estimate the duration of the stay and the corresponding costs.
In practice, there are different types of patients who require different types of help and, consequently, different duration of the stay. For example, there could be a person with severe mobility issues, who requires the help with most of the needs every day; or a person with mental deviations, who don’t need help with daily routine, but requires extra communication hours.
Here, we will focus of total amount of help (measured in minutes of help provided to a person per week) provided and measure the costs of stay of a person.
The data set on which the analysis is based has the following columns:
- gender: a categorical variable with levels “M” for male and “F” for female
- age: integer variable
- mobil: categorical variable that represents the physical mobility with levels
- 1 = Full mobility
- 2 = Reduced mobility
- 3 = Restricted mobility in the house
- 4 = Null mobility
- orient: categorical variable that represents the orientation (interactions with the environment) with levels
- 1 = Full orientation
- 2 = Moderate disturbance of orientation
- 3 = Disorientation
- independ: categorical variable that represents the independence of ADL with levels
- 1 = Independent of help
- 2 = Dependent less than 24 hours per day
- 3 = Dependent at unpredictable time intervals for most of the needs
- minut_mob: numerical variable that represents the total number of minutes of help with movement per week
- need_comm: categorical variable with levels “Yes” for a person who needs extra communication sessions with an employee, and “No” otherwise
- minut_comm: numerical variable that represents the total number of minutes of communication per week
- tot_minut: numerical variable that represents the total number of minutes spent on a patient per week, \(tot\_minut = minut\_mob + minut\_comm\)
- cost: numerical variable that represents the total costs of having a patient in the nursing house per month.
Note: since tot_minut=minut_mob+minut_comm, you may not find any meaningful result using the 3 features. This is perfectly normal. Just use 2 features only among these 3 (arbitrary choice).
Logistic regression: the credit quality
The German Credit Quality Dataset consists of a set of attributes as good or bad credit risks. In order to find find a detailed description of the features, please refer to the original link to the dataset. The german.csv
file can also be found in /data/german.csv
whichis the mdified version of the original dataset to simplify the analysis, especially the data loading in R.
The aim here is to predict the credit quality from the other features. The outcome Quality is 0 for “bad” and 1 for “good”. Make an analysis of the data and develop the learner. You can follow these notable steps:
- Make a simple EDA of the features
- Split the data and train the model.
- Make variable selection and check out the result.
- Interpret the coefficients.
- Inspect the quality of the model by making the predictions (confusion table and boxplot of the predicted probabilities).
Note that the data are unbalanced again and that you may not find a very good predictor. This issue is quite difficult and will be addressed later.